Veterans Assistance Fund
The Veterans Assistance Fund administered by the Clark County Veteran’s Assistance Center offers financial assistance to low income, qualified veterans who need help. The fund helps Veterans bridge financial difficulties until they can secure permanent employment or survive a difficult financial period. The fund is supported by tax dollars and has limitations.
What do you need to bring with you? No appointments are required. Walk-ins are served on a first-come, first-serve basis. Bring the following documentation:
One year’s proof of continuous residency in Washington and currently Clark County. ex: driver’s license, rental agreement, or old utility bill.
The last 30-days verification of household income. ex: pay stubs, award letters, or last month’s bank statements.
If you are married and have dependents, the following additional items are required:
Marriage certificate
Birth certificates or school registration for children
If a child is over 18, proof that the child is still attending school and living with you
VETERANS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM CAN HELP WITH:One month’s mortgage, rent or security deposit (with housing voucher)
Rental Assistance to prevent eviction
Utilities Assistance
Food, hygiene, and cleaning supplies – amount based on the number of people in the household
Transportation – bus transportation or gas
Prescription drugs – up to $600 in a 12-month period
Dental Assistance
Food Vouchers
Clothing Allowance
Burial/Cremation up to $2,000
Clothing/Tools/Licensing up to $800 in a 24-month period
Auto Repair – up to $2,000 in a 12-month period
Storage fees (must have auction notice for unpaid fees)
Communications – up to $200.00 in a 12-month period
Textbooks – mush show enrollment in college, university or trade school in Washington State
Other conditions may apply. The information listed here may change without notice.
For assistance with the Veterans Assistance Fund please call 564-397-8478, or you may also email us at vetfund@ccvac.net